» Forum Index » Viper Talk » Topic: Corvette-class Behemoth suggested

Posted on 05/19/09 11:15:40 PM
Ishathis Bessuni
Lieutenant & Council [VPR]
Posts: 956


Corvette-class Behemoth suggested

After elevating the lowly ion blaster to one of the most loved and feared weapons in the universe, Ineubis Defense Research has introduced a powerful new ship based on the Behemoth transport platform. Cargo space has been filled with shield generators, bigger engines, thicker armor and weapon ports. The new ship remains in the sub-capital Corvette class, but brings formidable firepower to a battle.

Ineubis Jackal
Faction level: +800
Price: ~300,000
License: 9/-/9/-/-
Armor: 40,000
Shield strength: 20,000
Shield recharge: 5,000/s
Cargo: 30 CU
Weapons 3L (maybe 4L), 3 Small-turret
Mass: 50,000 kg
Length: 34m
Thrust: 900 N
Spin torque: 30.0 Nm
Max speed: 60m/s
Turbo speed: 140m/s
Turbo energy: 45/s

Notes: Turrets on non-capital ships aren't all that useful in their current form. It's better to have another ship than a gunner. This is intended to be another stepping stone on the way to full player-controlled capships. As far as I know, it can be added without any major changes to the client or server, and will allow the player base to see how a more powerful multiplayer ship integrates in to the universe.

This should be slightly less nimble than a standard empty Behemoth. The shield is set up to be breakable using two megaposis and a heavy battery. It would easily fall to stacked missiles; effective defense will require gunners with turret weapons that can detonate incoming ordinance.

This ship would not be fair in a one-on-one duel against a light fighter. A single light fighter is unlikely to be able to break the shield on its own, but any light ship can easily outrun it.

Posted on 05/20/09 4:49:31 PM
Ostan-Be Ralel
Member [VPR]
Posts: 89


Re: Corvette-class Behemoth suggested
I just read this! I want one even though I am ineubis hated ;p
Possibly a bit lower shield recharge, but it seems like a well balanced-warship thingy :)
[Stamp of Approval]

Who else thinks that this music suits a pirate chase?


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